Well, hello, Smith. (´-`)ノ Raining today, is it? You know what? I never go to school when it rains. But my mom doesn't understand. Stupid mom, with all her reasons! She says, "Go to school!" So I jumped down from the 2nd floor. That's a compound fracture, mind you. (T T) Pulverised into mush. (T△T) Splat! Absolutely "fubar" ed. Σ(T□T) Took 6 months to heal. So I got to take a half-year off from school! Whoopee! ヽ( '▽ ')ノ Altough not a single classmate came to visit me in the hospital. Mom? What about her? Of course she didn't come. (^ ^) She jumped with me. And I landed on top of her. Like, the coolest thing, you know. (T-T) ノ I'll leave the rest to your imagination. The imagination of a killer...
literally me

About me

Hello hello, I'm Dawa. I am a short-tempered someone that lives in portugal, people say I speak fluent english and I'm also learning russian.

It's hard to be motivated to just get out of bed every night but I still try to learn more.

I like all kinds of mediums but I primarily spend my time listening to Ambient Drone or video game OST while staring at a white wall. Other hobbies include killing bugs and waterboarding myself.

picture I took yesterday

I've rented this website with everything I had and live in the streets because of it, so it better be worth it. Because I refuse to move on from Firefox 0.3.6 and as a minor challenge I write everything by hand and make sure every page is supported in my browser in my laptop screen of 800x600, also optimizing my media because public wifi is slow. I live in a place where people dont have faces, my eyes can only see black, red and white.

Contact me if you wanna talk, ask something or insult me:

  • XMPP: dawa@bsd.moe
  • IRC (Rizon): dawa
  • DickSword: dawa51

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